Your First Microservice

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This project is part of the liveProject series Build Your First Microservice
Docker basics • MongoDB basics
skills learned
Set up a MongoDB database with Docker • run multiple services using Docker Compose • use HTTPfor communication between microservices • download files from Azure storage • upload files to Azure storage
Haider Malik
1 week · 6-8 hours per week · BEGINNER

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Musify, a SaaS company that helps startups bring their products to market, has a client who wants to launch a Spotify-inspired app that will connect music artists with their fans. Musify has already built the first microservice for the app in Node.js and deployed it on an Azure container registry. As a software engineer at Musify, your job is to create a microservice for storing audio files on Azure and enable communication between microservices. You’ll create an Azure Storage account, upload an audio file to the account, and write the HTTP request handler for downloading and streaming the file. You’ll use Docker Compose to run and manage both microservices, and you’ll call one microservice from within the other using the HTTP package. Lastly, you’ll connect the first microservice to a MongoDB database to store the song records. When you’re done, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to build and manage multiple microservices and connect databases to your application using Docker and Docker Compose.

This project is designed for learning purposes and is not a complete, production-ready application or solution.

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Haider Malik
Haider Malik is a senior full-stack web developer and instructor passionate about helping others learn web development. He’s created over 20 web development courses on Udemy, and his student roster is almost 50,000 strong.


This liveProject is for Node.js developers who are interested in learning how to use Docker Compose to run multiple microservices in a development environment and connect a microservice with a database. To begin this liveProject, you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

  • Docker Compose
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Run a microservice running as a Docker container

you will learn

In this liveProject, you’ll learn how to use Docker Compose to run multiple microservices in a development environment and connect a microservice with a database:

  • Set up Docker Compose to run and build multiple microservices in development
  • Add file storage to your application
  • Connect a MongoDB database with CRUD REST APIs in Node.js
  • Test microservices with Docker Compose
  • Download a file from Azure storage
  • Use Azure Blob Storage
  • Use HTTP for communication between microservices
  • Install MongoDB with Docker
  • Connect MongoDB with Node.js using Docker Compose
  • Add dependencies between services
  • Run individual microservices
  • Run all microservices with Docker Compose
  • Set up environment variables with Docker
  • Create models and schemas in Mongoose
  • Make queries for documents
  • Test MongoDB using the MongoDB Compass GUI application
  • Perform CRUD operations with MongoDB


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