Not so long ago, web developers and designers could be fairly confident that their pages would be viewed on a desktop or laptop. Then the iPhone came along and began the massive shift towards mobile devices capable of displaying web pages. These devices have smaller screens, they are often connected to slow networks, and they differ greatly in capabilities. Despite these facts, visitors still expect a great experience with your site. You need a strategy to satisfy such expectations. Responsive Experience Design (RXD) is a holistic approach to crafting experiences for people on whatever device they choose to use. RXD helps us deliver inclusive, accessible, appropriate device-friendly sites that engage and satisfy visitors regardless of device.
Responsive Experience Design ties together user-centered design methods with the latest responsive web design techniques. You’ll start by discovering the goals of RXD and the three qualities that make for a great experience. Then the author provides a four-step method for creating sites that meet the key RXD goals. The book presents the tactics needed to transform great content into engaging experiences without sacrificing accessibility or usability on any device. The book also includes the basics of designing and developing with a focus on user needs. Finally, it explains how to make sites perform better and when it's appropriate to adapt, as well as helping you with tools for more efficient site building.